
Wednesday, February 9

I've Come to my senses; and I STINK!

One of my benefits of yoga is that I become much more intune with my body, including my senses.  I tried a new Bikram place yesterday.  I have to say I wasnt entirely impressed.  This Bikram studio is supposed to be top of the line, and their prices reflect it.  I signed up for a "try it out week" for $25, so I figured I better get bang for my buck and get back there again today.  hmmm, ok, really one of my best friends told me to get my butt back in it!

Yesterday I left the class feeling so-so.  Not good, not terrible; it had been a rough class for me in general.  But today was "WOW."  My breathing was on track, my body responded to what I asked it to do.  I felt awesome going through my standing poses.

Then I laid on my map for first floor shivasna I started to smell something... it was a pretty empty class so there was no one within 5 feet of me.  I conceded it had to be me.  Im not sure if my body was getting out some built up toxins, or if I usually dont smell as well, but man did I stink!  I also felt the drops of sweat pouring down my body.  I felt water dripping down the skin on my back, stomach, neck, ankles, elbows... It made my body feel alive.  It made me smile every time I smelled my stinky self or felt that sweat dripping down. 

I think Im finally starting to get it!  My favorite part of the new place; showers!  I thoroughly enjoyed smelling fresh and yummy all the way home.

February 8th: 70 minutes walking, 90 minutes hot yoga
February 9th: 30 minutes walking, 90 minutes hot yoga

Monday, February 7

Fitness February- Week 1 In Review

Saturday I tried a new hot yoga place in downtown Raleigh.  I really liked it, but it is really far away.  It is certainly not somewhere I could make it to during the week, but they have great weekend times!  And our instructor was awesome!  Sunday I spent the day cleaning and organizing (a work out in itself) and eating yummy Super Bowl food.  My plan was to run Sunday, but my back felt a little weird.  This morning I woke up and my back was really hurting, in a painful, not sore kind of way.  I think I strained a muscle in my lower back so instead of doing yoga tonight I took it easy.

February 5th- 90 minute hot yoga
February 7th- 60 minute walk

Week In Review:

Yoga- 270 minutes in hot yoga (3 sessions)
Walking- 290 minutes of walking

Pretty darn good!  And I hope that I can beat it next week!  My back is already starting to feel better, so hot yoga might be a possibility tomorrow night :).

(Go me, Go me, Go me... happy dance!)

Sunday, February 6

Getting back into the groove

It is truly amazing to see the undeniable effect physical activity has on me.  It effects all aspects of my life. 

This is not rocket science.  After not working out Thursday (although I did walk alot) and Friday, I felt terrible Friday night!  I was tired, cranky, whiny... overall just not feeling great.  And I was eating junk food, nothing to nourish my body that has been working so hard!  Saturday morning, even though I had to do a lot of self "policing" I got my booty to hot yoga.  It felt great and got me back on track.

Progress Report!

First, I wanted to clarify "When the Cat's Away, Mice Will Play."  A couple days after posting that I thought it might have a bad connotation, I just wanted to clarify that when {E} is gone I have a lot of time I need to fill!  When he is home we end up doing so much fun stuff that I neglect a lot of house projects. 

So this week I was talking to a friend that works at the "Corporate Giant" with me about my never-ending search for a craft table.  We had talked about it a few times before (I've been obsessed with trying to find one!). As we were walking and talking he had a brilliant idea... the Corporate Giant scrap yard!  They take anything that isnt being used anymore and scrap it.  We walked down through several creepy dark hallways and found the scrap guy.  He showed me an awesome scrap table that was exactly what I was describing.  All of the table I'd been looking at online were about $150.  But this table was $27!  I was pumped.  My friend wasnt as excited when he had to help me get it home and up the stairs... {E} owes him for that one!

This is the room.  The picture is taken from the doorway.  To the right of the doorway are double doors to a closet.  There is one wall to the right with nothing on it, the center wall with a huge window and then the other wall the door swings open to.

So my big lesson learned here... DON'T spray paint inside!!!  Yeah, I thought my ventilation would be good enough, it wasn't.  I had to open my downstairs doors (it was 30 degrees out there!) to get the fog of chemicals out.  I still have some work to do on the paint so dont look close!  But I am waiting for {E} to get home and help me carry the metal piece down to the garage or back yard.  Scroll down to see all the progress!

After a trip to the Big Box Store I got the tools to take it apart... it wouldnt fit in the door!
Lesson learned....
Its Home!  

Thursday, February 3

Too Tired to Come Up With Something Clever

So tomorrow I'll update you with the exciting progress I've made towards my Craft Room Project!  And I have pictures to prove I really have made progress!  But, until then I figured I'd update my Fitness February :)

February 2nd- 90 min hot yoga, 40 min walking
February 3rd- Rest day (my muscles are sore!), 85 min of walking

Hot yoga was much harder yesterday.  All my small stabilizing muscles that were worked so hard the day before were sore.  It made it that much harder to twist myself into all the crazy positions.  It lead to one great night of sleep last night, and I as tired as I am tonight I think the trend will continue.

Hopefully I'll go to hot yoga tomorrow before my friend comes to spend the night!  Something about adult sleep overs is still as much fun as when we were little girls.  Maybe a little better, now they include wine.

Wednesday, February 2

Fitness February!!

I'm desperately trying to get back on track in the workout department.  I saw another blogger start her "Fitness February" and thought that sounded MUCH better than the "Mustache March" {E} is convinced he's doing (Im trying to figure out what I can wager to make this not happen...).  I'll be updating you on my work outs!

Since yesterday was the first day of February I'll start there.  I started strong! 

February 1st- 45 minutes walking and a 90 minute hot yoga class

Hot yoga didn't feel at all as good yesterday, I missed the uplifting teacher I had this weekend!  Im a little sore, but feeling good.  Im doing their week long trial period then will try a few others to see where I fit best.

Ironically, after getting home from hot yoga I spotted a package on the door step...

My sweetie sent me a basket of sweets to enjoy while he was gone.  Apparently he was not aware of Fitness February :).  It came with a recipe for toffee crumble cookies.  I think I'm going to have to make some for him when he gets back so he can enjoy it too!

While the Cat is Away, Mice Will Play

Actually it is more like work.  I made a huge list of things to do while {E} was gone.  Thus far, I havent made much progress!  My big project is to redo the spare bedroom.  And when I say "redo" I mean unpack all of the boxes I hid in there since I moved in (well over a year ago, and that were never unpacked after I left college), and in general make it somewhere a guest could actually stay {which is now put on a timeline since one of my best friends is coming for the weekend in a few weeks}.

Here's the list...

*Craft Room
     Make/Buy Craft Table
     Organize all craft stuff
     Accessorize the room
     Get pillows and finish the bed

*Find tile to tile the back porch (planned for the weekend {E} gets back)

*Update me and {E}'s scrapbook

*Work on my Dad's birthday present

*Update the decor in the living room/ downstairs

*Finish filling all of the picture frames and put printed pictures in albums

*Store all bills/statements from last year and start this year's [Done]

*Clean the front and back porches

*Maybe put something in the front foyer (its completely empty)

*Vacuum Car(s)

*Clean up back yard

*Make/Send invites for {E}'s party.  And organize/plan where his family is staying, what they're doing and so on while they're here (only a few weeks till they're here!!).

...yeah, I have a lot to do.  I need to get my booty in gear!

Tuesday, February 1

Already Deliquent

I've been crazy busy the last few days and haven't been able to post.  To make it up I'll be making several posts tomorrow about the last few days' festivities! 

Until then, sweet dreams.

Exploration in the Kitchen

I love the grocery store.   I mean love it, probably because I love food.  I can spend an embarassing amount of time going through the isles just looking at all of the crazy things there are to eat.

After last year's epic Black Bean discovery, I have been trying new foods all the time.  A little background; ever since ever I've refused to eat beans.  I didnt like the texture.  Then, one day, I got the crazy idea to try them in a Mexican dish where the black beans were the primary ingredient.  And I loved it.  I ate black beans daily for a month.  Im eating black beans right now, actually, in a delicious black bean chili {}.  You should try that recipe, its healthy, and delicious.

First one since I've started my blog... Almond Butter.  I love peanut butter, especially with fruit to dip it in.  I saw this at the grocery store and decided to give it a try.

Final thought; it is really good.  I had it with apples as a mid morning snack.  Problem: it costs about double what peanut butter costs, which makes me feel like I should be cherishing it while I eat it and I dont love it.  I think in the future I'll stick to peanut butter and eat almonds (cheaper that way!).